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Conferences and Colloquia

Organization: Event Date: Title
INET-md 05/06/2024 Encounter | 5th Dance with Tradition Encounter: from the yard to the stage
INET-md 26/04/2024 7th Lisbon Conference | Chinese Music and Musical Instruments
INET-md 17/10/2023 Online Symposium | TradiMus 2023 "Music traditions in the 21st century: new practices, contexts and challenges"
INET-md 08/07/2023 V FMH Study Days - Dança & Complexidade
INET-md 09/06/2023 Encounter | 4th Dance with Tradition Encounter: from the yard to the stage
INET-md 27/05/2023 V INET-md Forum - INET-md: Present and Future
INET-md 09/05/2023 Internacional Conference | EUROVISIONS – 6th edition
INET-md 12/05/2022 Eurovisions Series | Back from Eurovision
INET-md 10/05/2022 Internacional Conference | EUROVISIONS – 5th edition
INET-md 23/01/2022 Encounter | 3rd Dance with Tradition Encounter: from the yard to the stage
INET-md 13/01/2022 Open Class | The Invention of Tonality: Beyond the Nature/Culture dualism
INET-md 09/12/2021 Palestra / Conference | Cultivating Compassion: Practices and Processes of Music-Making for Personal and Social Growth Inside and Outside Prisons
INET-md 16/12/2021 Conference | Rethinking the historical development of Haitian culture and religion from an Afro-Iberian perspective: The case of the Rara
INET-md 09/10/2021 Colloquium | Prevention, Access and Uses: crossed views on sounds and popular musical instruments in a museological context
INET-md 18/09/2021 Palestra / Conference | Relações entre a música e aspetos não musicais da experiência humana: Audição, aulas, capacidade e desempenho
INET-md 25/06/2021 Conference | Gilles Deleuze and Music
INET-md 22/06/2021 Colloquium | Independent Music Labels: Histories, Practices and Values
INET-md 16/09/2021 International Conference | IC CIPEM 2021: Perspectives in Psychology of Music and Music Education
INET-md 29/05/2021 Internacional Conference | EUROVISIONS – 4th edition
INET-md 13/03/2021 Colloquium | Ecosonorities of popular music in Portugal in the 21st century
INET-md 23/01/2021 Encounter | 2nd Dance with Tradition Encounter: from the yard to the stage
INET-md 19/11/2020 EnIM 21 | X Meeting on Music Research
INET-md 26/02/2020 Conference | Music and liberalism: a musical life in Lisbon between 1820 and 1853
INET-md 28/02/2020 Colloquium | The Brazilian Choro: History, Development and Revival
INET-md 22/12/2019 Encounter | 1st Dance with Tradition Encounter: from the yard to the stage
INET-md 28/11/2019 Colloquium | 1st International Colloquium on Percussion Research
INET-md 04/11/2019 Conference | José Afonso and his work: a relevant cultural interest
INET-md 03/10/2019 International Conference | TCPM 2019
INET-md 12/07/2019 Dances and bodies in education... in Brazil?
INET-md 17/10/2019 Call for Papers - Baroque Festivals between the Sacred and the Profane: Europe and the Atlantic
INET-md 17/10/2019 Baroque Festivals between the sacred and the profane: Europe and the Atlantic
INET-md 12/06/2019 IC CIPEM 2019 Challenges in Music Education
INET-md 08/06/2019 IV FMH Study Days - Soundscape/ Bodyscape
INET-md 06/05/2018 4th Lisbon Conference | Chinese Music and Musical Instruments
INET-md 21/02/2019 Ciclo de Conferências - Escutar Lisboa
INET-md 30/11/2018 An overview of empirical research on planning instrumental execution
INET-md 18/06/2018 Fórum Bragança em Música de Fundo
INET-md 30/06/2018 III FMH Study Days - Práticas Performativas em Torno d'O Animal
INET-md 07/05/2018 Carnival Brass Bands in New Orleans and Rio de Janeiro: Disinheritance, Alternative Whiteness, and Musical Eclecticism
INET-md 14/05/2018 Understanding the concert experience: Implications for research and artistic practice
INET-md 09/05/2018 3rd Lisbon Conference | Chinese Music and Musical Instruments
INET-md 20/05/2018 Conferência - Disrupting the Status Quo: Young musicians that create change
INET-md 10/05/2018 Conferência Internacional Memória, Cultura e Devir - Estudos Aprofundados em Ciências Sociais
INET-md 18/05/2018 Meyes - Music to our Eyes
INET-md 07/05/2018 Internacional Conference | EUROVISIONS – 1st edition | 2nd session
INET-md 08/05/2019 Music & Dance Education under the influences of cross-culture in Macau (2)
INET-md 30/04/2018 Call for Proposals - Research Hands on Flute
INET-md 19/04/2018 Colóquio Internacional de Estudos sobre Memórias, Sons e Textos: festas e representações, entre a subversão e a patrimonialização
INET-md 17/02/2018 International Conference | EUROVISIONS - 1st Edition | 1st Session
INET-md 25/10/2017 Festival Dias de Música Electroacústica | The Soundscape We Live In
INET-md 27/12/2017 Festival Dias de Música Electroacústica 56
INET-md 06/10/2017 Canções de Ida e Volta
INET-md 12/10/2017 Study Days Maestro Manuel Ivo Cruz 2017
INET-md 27/10/2017 'Hands on' Guitar
INET-md 27/06/2018 2nd Symposium | ICTM Study Group "Audiovisual Ethnomusicology"
INET-md 29/06/2017 Raúl Zurita - Violeta Parra: Doblada de Amor
INET-md 03/06/2017 II FMH Study Days - O Mestre Nu
INET-md 08/05/2017 2nd Lisbon Conference | Chinese Music and Musical Instruments
INET-md 05/05/2017 Meeting - Trés Claveles: Violeta Parra, Juan Manuel Serrat e Victor Jara
INET-md 10/05/2017 Roundtable | Research on Chinese Music
INET-md 18/05/2017 International Congress - A Imprensa como Fonte para a História da Interpretação Musical
INET-md 08/01/2018 Performance Musical como Investigação Artística
INET-md 15/03/2018 Fronteiras e Topografias do Poder
INET-md 13/11/2017 EAW 2017 - II International Conference Electroacoustic Winds
INET-md 20/04/2017 Study Day - Memória, Património e Devir: entre Futuros Passados e Tempos Inéditos
INET-md 05/04/2017 Study Sessions and Colloquia - Music and Emotions
INET-md 27/04/2017 Singing the Past - Music and the Politics of Memory
INET-md 09/02/2017 Educação Artística: Desafios para o século XXI
INET-md 15/12/2016 Film Series - Music as Power
INET-md 12/10/2017 Ciclo de Cinema - Music as Power 2017
INET-md 25/11/2016 Novas grandezas que já pareciam impossíveis à imaginação”: a música e as artes visuais na Patriarcal de Lisboa (1716-1834)
INET-md 24/11/2016 A assinatura sonora de um corpo em movimento: cruzamentos entre dança e tecnologia
INET-md 19/11/2016 30 anos de formação em Educação Musical na Escola Superior de Educação | PP
INET-md 27/10/2016 Da Real Barraca ao Paço da Ajuda: a música em torno da Família Real
INET-md 08/10/2016 Memórias da Guerra de Espanha na Fronteira do Baixo Alentejo
INET-md 07/07/2016 ML78 - Music and Lusophony in 78 rpm collections
INET-md 30/06/2016 I FMH Study Days - Práticas Performativas em Torno do Corpo-Arquivo
INET-md 07/06/2016 ICMHM´16 - Music and Human Mobility: Redefining Community in Intercultural Context
INET-md 15/06/2016 ICPSONG´16 - Protest Song and Social Change
INET-md 30/05/2016 Memória, Cultura e Devir - Teoria e Caminhos ​para as​ Ciências Sociais
INET-md 23/05/2016 1st Lisbon Conference | Chinese Music and Musical Instruments
INET-md 15/03/2016 Colloquia and Masterclasses - Tony Whyton and Haftor Medbøe
INET-md 16/09/2015 EAW2015 - I International Congress of Electracoustic Music of Aveiro
INET-md 24/02/2016 Propaganda, Cultura e Entretenimento em Portugal na primeira metade do século XX
INET-md 12/02/2016 A crueldade, o cosmos, o corpo que dança: considerações ético-estéticas sobre Artaud
INET-md 20/10/2015 TEDance | Innovate, Connect, Transform 2015 (ICT 2015)
INET-md 02/10/2015 Study Day - Historical Approaches to Musical Performance
INET-md 16/09/2015 Performigrations: People are the Territory
INET-md 27/06/2015 Jazz Metting - 25th IASJ
INET-md 17/04/2015 16. internationaler Diskgrafentag
INET-md 24/02/2015 14.ª Festa do Jazz do São Luís | Researchers in Residence
INET-md 12/12/2014 Conference Pamela Mia Paul | Maria Leonor Sweetmore
INET-md 30/10/2014 Music and shared imaginaries: nationalisms, communities, and choral singing
INET-md 07/10/2014 Study Day - Roma, Nápoles, Paris, Lisboa: artistas, estilos e repertórios em trânsito ao longo do século XVII
INET-md 13/05/2014 Film Series - 25 de Abril e depois
INET-md 12/05/2014 20th Meeting of the Study Group on Historical Sources of Traditional Music (ICTM)
INET-md 10/04/2014 International Concert Cycle and Piano Masterclass
INET-md 14/03/2014 Dias de Música Electroacústica Festival
INET-md 30/11/2013 Símbolos de Bronze: representação e tecnologia nos Carrilhões de Mafra
INET-md 08/11/2013 Jazz Talks: 1st International Jazz Conference of the University of Aveiro
INET-md 09/11/2012 Opera and Cinema: The Politics of and Encounter
INET-md 12/10/2012 Jornadas Música e Estado I - Música, cultura de corte e poder político em Portugal na época moderna
INET-md 15/09/2012 Music and Cultural Industries in Portugal in the XXth Century
INET-md 11/07/2012 On the Border: Bridging the Path betwwen Tradition and Art
INET-md 10/07/2012 Musical Insularity: How it Favours Conservation, How it Triggers Innovation
INET-md 07/07/2012 Património Sonoro em Portugal: protagonistas, fundos e instituições
INET-md 02/12/2011 Pan-Mediterranean Poetic Competitions and Their Music: Historical Perspectives and Contemporary Practice
INET-md 26/10/2011 Goa: Past and Present
INET-md 10/06/2011 Music and Media: 3rd International Meeting
INET-md 28/10/2010 SIBE+ 2010 - Music and Knowledge in Transit
INET-md 17/10/2010 One Day Conference - Música e Literatura: Entre a Consciência Patrimonial e Intervenção
INET-md 26/05/2010 Conference Cycle - Jazz e Comportamentos Sociais de Resistência em Portugal no Século XX
INET-md 17/05/2010 Dance Conferences
INET-md 24/04/2010 One-Day Conference - Alejo Carpentier: Todo futuro es fabuloso
INET-md 15/12/2009 Roundtable: Problems of Representation of Music
INET-md 14/05/2009 State Music and Dictatorship
INET-md 07/06/2008 Luso-Brazilian Musics at the End of the Old Regime: Repertories, Practices and Representations
INET-md 05/03/2008 SIBE 2008 - Music, City and Networks
INET-md 22/11/2007 TeDance: Technologically Expanded Dance
INET-md 29/10/2007 National Conference on Arts Education
INET-md 11/10/2007 XXIII ESEM - European Seminar in Ethnomusicology
INET-md 04/10/2007 Multipart Singing in Europe: Historical Trajectories and Current Perspectives
INET-md 18/05/1995 Etnomusicologia Hoje