V FMH Study Days - Dança & Complexidade

The scientific conferences of INET-md at FMH (2016, 2017, 2018, 2019) have been fundamental events for bringing together and encouraging cooperation among individuals in the field of Humanities, particularly in the field of Dance Studies and Cultural Studies. On July 8, 2023, we will organize the 5th edition of the Conferences under the theme "Dance & Complexity," focusing on movement and performing arts from a rhizomatic perspective. The aim is to contribute to the collective awareness of complex thinking, providing a conducive environment for the sharing of ideas and knowledge, as well as for the exchange of experiences, the creation of partnerships, and the promotion of knowledge advancement in this area.
The rhizomatic perspective proposes a non-linear and organic approach to knowledge, which can help broaden participants' understanding of the diversity of thought forms and the complexity of the world we live in. The discussion around these approaches, which expand linear thinking versus organic/chaotic thinking, can help break paradigms and stimulate new ways of thinking, creating an environment conducive to the emergence of innovative ideas.
In recent years, the world has expanded its knowledge, allowing various areas of knowledge to expand their epistemological foundations rooted in linear thinking, approaching systemic, chaotic, and organic thinking (Allee, 1997). In this context, the arts and other disciplines studying human performance have not been an exception. In these conferences, we bring together researchers specializing in rhizomatic and systemic perspectives of movement, dance, and performing arts, including Adriana Gehres, Carlota Torrents, Daniela Gatti, Duarte Araújo and Jonatas Manzolli. Our goal is to contribute to the collective understanding of complex thinking and to discuss works that incorporate an ecological perspective on movement in collective performance, highlighting cooperation and interrelationships as a model for knowledge production.
Free admission subject to registration through this form.
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