• Palco
International Congress
SIBE 2008 - Music, City and Networks
Between March 5th and 9th, 2008 | Salamanca
One of the most characteristic social phenomena of the recent decades is mobility. Cities all over the world are being populated by immigrants from everywhere. This invites us to reflect on the role of music in migration processes. We wonder how music, both as sound form and cultural practice, takes part in social and cultural integration or separation; and how it is that musics change, mix, struggle to survive and influence each other, thus giving rise to new sounds, new practices and new spaces of cultural production. We want this conference to be an occasion to confront theoretical and methodological perspectives. Thus, it is a good opportunity to both advance the study of these situations and share case studies, and to erect bridges that helps us help us to better understand the work of our academic communities by strengthening the links between them.
With this conference, SIBE-Sociedade de Etnomusicologia celebrates its 15th anniversary. During this occasion, it is joined by IASPM-Spain to continue the valuable experience of the I Congress of popular music of the hispanic and lusophone world, held in Newcastle in 2006. We also have the cooperation of the Conservatório Superior de Música de Salamanca and the Instituto de Etnomusicologia (INET) of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa.

The official congress languages are Spanish, Portuguese and English.

Cities, musics and diasporas
Multicultural cities are privileged areas to study the interaction between musics; places where networks are created that allow for the intercrossing of musical experiences of new citizens and those of members of established communities; a context that allows to claim traditions and to develop mixed sounds. We encourage the submission of papers highlighting innovative methodological approaches for the study of urban space, of music and of cultural interaction as well as concrete cases that offer situations or musical genres of interest to the global study of this phenomenon.
Local scenes and global history 
In contemporary discourse, ‘place’ appears as a counterweight to the global, a kind of sanctuary preserving identities that are strongly interwoven with tradition. However, it is clear that populational flows and current policies change these settings. We are interested in promoting ideas that address the relationship of traditional musics with new identities, as well as the return to nationalism, regionalism and localism. It is equally important to encourage contributions that study the globalizing and cosmopolitan nature of other local musics and their contribution to the design of a history that includes musics that have traditionally been marginalized by global historical discourse. 

Technologies and musical industry
Internet, mobile phones, mp3 players and video consoles nowadays are primary ways of music consumption and distribution, equally constituting one of the most important means for its users. We invite researchers to reflect on the social and cultural consequences of these new forms of musical circulation, their impact on local communities and their interaction with bodily and socially situated experiences, as well as protection policies and issues related to copyright and intellectual ownership.

New theoretical and methodological aspects of Ethnomusicology 

The complexity of our cultural context presents a challenge for researchers who must find new tools to enrich the theoretical perspectives from which we view the study of contemporary musical dynamics. For this reason, the congress invites submissions regarding new theoretical, conceptual and methodological approaches that deal with issues that are taking place today.
Ana Filipa de Carvalho (Universidade Nova de Lisboa):
Bairro Alto: two modes of life

Hélder Bruno de Jesus (Universidade de Aveiro):

Jazz e comportamentos sociais em Portugal durante o Estado Novo – processos de resistência.

Luís Figueiredo (Universidade de Aveiro):

Os Pianistas no Jazz em Portugal: Tradição e Contemporaneidade.
A Portugalidade no Piano Jazz em Portugal.

Jorge Castro Ribeiro (Universidade de Aveiro):

Quando eu nasci o batuque já existia”: A pós-colonialidade revisitada em duas décadas de batuque cabo-verdiano em Lisboa.

Susana Moreno Fernández (Universidade Nova de Lisboa):

Reivindicaciones locales y circuitos transnacionales en la práctica musical de la gaita-de-foles en Miranda do Douro (Portugal).

Barbara Alge (University of Vienna/INET):

Os mirandeses as “cultural capital”: Galandum Galundaina and the (re)construction of the “música mirandesa” (Trás-os-Montes, Portugal)

Pedro Russo Moreira (Universidade Nova de Lisboa):
Media Policy, Ideology and Power- The Musical Studies Bureau in the 1940’s Portugal


Carla Minelli (Universidade Nova de Lisboa):

A Música na festa. O caso de Pocariça

Pedro Manuel dos Santos Faria de Almeida (Universidade de Aveiro):

Influências da Música Popular Brasileira na produção musical portuguesa

Gonçalo Antunes de Oliveira (Universidade Nova de Lisboa):

O imaginário lisboeta no Teatro de Revista

Helena Marisa Matos Lourosa (Universidade de Aveiro):

A Banda filarmónica em Portugal no século XXI A mudança no conceito de banda, novos repertórios, novos públicos, novas salas, novas motivações

Vera Lúcia Silva Pereira (Universidade de Aveiro):

Música e Poder – Bandas Militares Tradição e Modernidade – sobrevivência de um símbolo histórico

Session 11A: PAINEL "Modernidad, tradición e identidad nacional: músicas populares después de las dictaduras ibéricas"

Héctor Fouce (coord.) (Conservatorio Superior de Música de Aragón)
Ian Biddle (Newcastle University)
Valeria Garrote (Rutgers University)
Susana Sardo (Universidade de Aveiro)
Germán Labrador (Universidad de Salamanca)
Antonio Méndez Rubio (Universidad de Valencia)
Santiago Fouz-Hernández (Durham University)
Rolf Bäcker (Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya)
Pablo Sánchez León (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
José Antonio González Serena (Conservatorio Superior de Música de Aragón)

Session 16 (plenária): PANEL DE CLAUSURA "Música, política, poder y desafío"

Salwa El-Shawan Castelo-Branco (coord.) (Universidade Nova de Lisboa)
Pablo Alabarces (Universidad de Buenos Aires)
Alexandre Felipe Fiuza (Universidad Estatal del Oeste del Paraná)
Manuel Deniz Silva (Universidade Nova de Lisboa)
Samuel Araujo (Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro)
Ana Ochoa (Columbia University)