CIPEM - Centre for Research in Psychology of Music and Music Education

The CIPEM – Centre for Research in Psychology of Music and Music Education, currently named CIPEM/ INET-md was created in 1998 by the Music Department of the Porto Polytechnic School of Education. It aims to promote research and contribute to professional development in the fields of Music, Psychology, Music Education and Community Music in Portugal.
In the evaluation process of the strategic projects 2015-2020 of the I&D Centres carried out in 2013 by the FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Foundation for Science and Technology), the CIPEM was integrated in the Institute of Ethnomusicology - Studies in Music and Dance, as a Branch of INET-md in the Porto Polytechnic, which represented a major development in its history. The Research Group Education and Music in the Community, created in 2015, integrates all the researchers of CIPEM and six researchers of the Branch of Aveiro University.
At the CIPEM/ INET-md a Library and Resource Centre in the fields of Music, Psychology and Education, and other services are open to the public. Throughout more than twenty years, the Centre has carried out different activities, many of which are articulated with the communities in the geographical region of Porto:
Research projects, most of which funded by the FCT, and some in collaboration with Casa da Música and Municipalities;
Seminars ‘Autumn Schools’, with well-known International researchers;
International Conferences organized in partnership (Performance Matters, ESCOM – European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music, 2005; Research Commission Seminar of the ISME – International Society for Music Education, 2008; Symposium of SIMM – Social Impact of Making Music, 2018);
Publication of six numbers of the Journal Música, Psicologia e Educação, which is currently being restructured;
Open lectures, Meetings and the Conference cycle ‘Music, Education and Society’;
Seminars, with national and international researchers, and novice researchers, such as CIPEM – 20 Anos de Investigação e Prática, 2018 (CIPEM – 20 Years of Research and Practice);
Workshops in Music Therapy.
Researchers at CIPEM/ INET-md have presented papers in Scholarly events, both national (APEM, CIPEM, CEA, ENIM) and international (AEPMIM, EAS, ESA, ESCOM, ICMPC, ISME, SIMCAM, SIMM, among others). They have also published books, and articles in national and international journals.
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