• Batuque

GIEEMP - Permanent Seminar in Ethnomusicology and Popular Music Studies

Organization: Event Date: Title
INET-md 23/12/2024 News | INET-md researcher joins Radio Radar team
INET-md 23/12/2024 News | Andrew Snyder was keynote speaker in the conference "Bandas de Bronces y Movimientos Sociales"
Andrew Snyder 23/12/2024 Interview | An Interview with Jason Gardner and Giovanni Kezich about We the Spirits
Andrew Snyder 23/12/2024 Editorial | Journal of Festive Studies, 6
Gonçalo Prazeres 22/12/2024 Article | Practice research in free improvisation: Investigating relationships between interaction and musical identity
INET-md 29/11/2024 International events | Journée d’étude "Espace urbain et pratiques musicales: Une scène politique sonore?"
Caio Mourão 29/11/2024 Conference Proceedings | “Bicha pre-tra-tra-tra-tra”: o enviadescimento artivista de Pabllo Vittar e Linn da Quebrada
Frederico Bezerra 28/11/2024 Article | Surveillance, repression, and black themes in samba schools in Rio de Janeiro during the military dictatorship
Gonçalo Prazeres 28/11/2024 Article | Free Improvisation as a Tool to Develop Interaction, Musical Identity and Musicianship among Jazz Students
Marco Roque de Freitas 28/11/2024 Article | What's race got to do with it?: 'Racialized voice' and 'vocalized race' in Tina: The Tina Turner musical
INET-md 20/11/2024 GIEEMP Seminar | Contributions to the Analysis and Development of Ecomusicological Activism in the Iberian Peninsula
INET-md 22/10/2024 GIEEMP Seminar | Sentinel Musicians of the Ethiopian American Diaspora
INET-md 22/10/2024 GIEEMP Seminar | The phonographic trade in São Paulo, Brazil, at the beginning of the 20th century
INET-md 26/09/2024 Call for Papers | Journal of Festive Studies - Issue 8: Border Festivals
Pedro Nunes 26/09/2024 Article | Entre tradição e criação: dinâmicas das pequenas editoras de música popular de matriz rural em Portugal no século XXI
Marco Roque de Freitas 25/09/2024 Article | ‘Lost & Found’ or ‘Requiem for the new Mozambican man’: Musicking transition from a socialist single-party to a capitalist multiparty system (1987–1994)
INET-md 13/09/2024 GIEEMP Seminar | Autonomy, negotiation and recreation: folk musicians and the case of their participation in “medieval fairs”
INET-md 10/09/2024 GIEEMP Seminar | Vigo capital Lisboa: the decentralization of the Galician popular music as an example of dissensus
Caio Mourão 22/08/2024 Conference Proceedings | É, nesta Lisboa, figura de proa da nossa canção: visões das Fado Bicha através das televisões
INET-md 30/04/2024 Book Launch | Música en las cortes ibéricas (1700-1834): ceremonial, artes del espectáculo y representación del poder
INET-md 19/04/2024 GIEEMP Seminar | Co-existing in-between, co-operating across: learning/teaching music while seeking asylum
INET-md 08/04/2024 GIEEMP Seminar | Trends and Developments in Chinese Music After the Revolution, 1949-2000
Filippo Bonini Baraldi 25/03/2024 Chapter | La musique, la santé et la société: contribution de l’ethnomusicologie
INET-md 22/03/2024 GIEEMP Seminar | Cesária Évora: Documentation of routes and discourses (CISE)
Marco Roque de Freitas 22/02/2024 Article | Between War, Politics, and 'Something Nice Back Home': Uncovering the First Mozambican Experiences within the World Music Market (1987–1994)
INET-md 22/02/2024 GIEEMP Seminar | "We're not fans just to wave flags": the audience as gatekeeper of the RTP Song Festival
Pedro Mendes & Marco Roque de Freitas 05/02/2024 Article | From “Sin Street” to “Education Street”: Music, Politics and Transgression in Maputo’s Red-Light District, Mozambique (c.1960–86)
Bart Vanspauwen & Iñigo Sánchez-Fuarros 29/01/2024 Chapter | Embracing postcolonial diversity? Music selection and affective formation in TAP Air Portugal’s in-flight entertainment system
Alcina Cortez 26/01/2024 Book | O Som como Meio de Comunicação nas Exposições em Museus
Pedro Nunes 26/01/2024 Article | Das recolhas ao álbum como “cartão de visita”: estratégias e reinvenções na pequena edição de música popular de matriz rural em Portugal no século XXI
INET-md 22/01/2024 GIEEMP Seminar | The music ecosystem versus the music doughnut: a comparison of two concepts for envisioning the future of music during the climate crisis
INET-md 16/01/2024 GIEEMP Seminar | Creative Industries in the 21st century
INET-md 13/12/2023 GIEEMP Seminar | The resonances of the Other: Social interactions during musical education in disadvantaged contexts from Latin America and Europe
INET-md 30/11/2023 GIEEMP Seminar | Africanness in Action: Essentialism and Musical Imaginations in Brazil
INET-md 29/10/2023 GIEEMP Seminar | Songbooks in Goa: Cultural representations from colonial to digital
INET-md 04/10/2023 GIEEMP Seminar | Expressive culture on the Portuguese-Spanish border: sociocultural transformation processes, musical agents, and practices of identity construction