• Disco2
INET-md is the first research unit in Portugal focusing on music and dance.
INET-md, initially designated INET (Instituto de Etnomusicologia), was founded in 1995 by Salwa-El Shawan Castelo-Branco at the Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa, with the aim of conducting multidisciplinary research on music from the perspective of Ethnomusicology.

In 2007, it expanded its research areas, incorporating two new branches based at the Universidade de Aveiro and the Universidade de Lisboa. A new branch was added at the Instituto Politécnico do Porto in 2015.

With this new configuration, INET also acquired a new name: Instituto de Etnomusicologia – Centro de Estudos em Música e Dança (INET-md).


 2019-07-22 mapa dos polos-en


INET-md | Apresentação from Instituto de Etnomusicologia on Vimeo.

Vídeo about INET-md's 20th anniversary.


INET-md | FCSH-UNL | 20th anniversary from Instituto de Etnomusicologia on Vimeo.