Ethnomusicology and Popular Music Studies
This is the foundational research group of INET-md. It is dedicated to consolidating and expanding research on music and sound from the perspectives of Ethnomusicology and Popular Music Studies, focusing on the Lusophone World. Transcultural processes in music, cultural politics, music archiving and heritage are some of the main research issues. Practices of social responsibility are central to all the research carried out by this group.
- To consolidate and expand research from the perspectives of Ethnomusicology, Popular Music Studies and Sound Studies;
- To conduct research on music and sound environments, with particular focus on the Lusophone worlds;
- To develop audiovisual archiving;
- To promote collaborative work with communities and institutions on the local, national and international levels;
- To build a Data Bank on music in Portugal, the Portuguese diaspora and other Lusophone countries.
- Transcultural processes in Music in colonial and post-colonial Lusophone contexts and their diasporas, with special focus on the issues of race, gender, class, place and national identity;
- Cultural politics: the relationship between political power, music discourse and practice; the impact of local, national and transnational policies; heritagization;
- Music, migration and mobility;
- The impact of music technologies on compositional processes, performance, production systems, transmission and reception;
- Popular musics in 20th and 21st century Portugal;
- Music and emotion;
- The interdisciplinary study of sound , especially in urban environments.

Concluded Competitive Projects
Cultural Project funded by UE: 2013-3665/001-001 | 2014-2016
Cultura 2000 - Agreement No 2005 - 0737/001-001 CLT CA12
Knowledge Transfer Projects
ADAT Association of Friends Tocá Rufar | Bom Porto - Construction Patrimony and Collective Traditional Practices of Bombo in Portugal
Ministry of Culture and Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education | National Sound File
Municipality of Lisbon | Application of Fado to the UNESCO’s Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity
Municipality of Lisbon | Fado Museum - Digital Sound Archive
Municipality of Palmela | UNESCO Creative City Application
Municipality of São Pedro do Sul | Women multipart singing in S. Pedro do Sul: Application to the Portuguese List of Intangible Cultural Heritage (Matrix platform)
Municipality of Serpa | Application of Cante Alentejano to the UNESCO’s Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity
Municipality of Ovar l Canto aos Reis: Application to the Portuguese List of Intangible Cultural Heritage (Matrix platform)
Associação Cultural Moinho da Juventude l Kola San Jon: Application to the Portuguese List of Intangible Cultural Heritage (Matrix platform)
AJA – Associação José Afonso: Archiving and publishing primary sources on protest song