Preservation and On-line Fruition of the Audio Documents from the European Archives of Ethnic Music
Sérgio Canazza
Università di Udine (Italy)
Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia
Laboratorio MIRAGE
Institute of Ethnomusicology of Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Lubiana (Slovenia)
Ghent University, Institute for Psychoacoustics and Electronic Music, Dept. of Musicology, Ghent (Belgium)
Gesellschaft für Historische Tonträger, Vienna (Austria)
Österreichisches Volksliedwerk, Vienna (Austria)
Cultura 2000 (Agreement No 2005 - 0737/001-001 CLT CA12)
This project contributed to spreading the cultural heritage of European ethnic music stored in analogue audio documents by extending and cementing links between scientific institutions across Europe: a) meetings, concerts and conferences in Italy (Gorizia and Treviso), Slovenia (Ljubljana) and Austria (Wien); b) Internet discussion forum and PODCasting system. INET-MD contributed to the elaboration of the methodology for the preservation and restoration of audio documents as well as to the on-line system for the fruition of audio materials. The Institute's team also located and inventoried endangered recordings of traditional music and analyzed archived musical materials in order to highlight aspects within different cultures.
Project's Web Site
An operative protocol for quality control of audio digitalization.Digitalized and catalogued audio documents in different formats.