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Integrated Doctor
Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas | Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Av. de Berna, n.º 26 C
1069-061 Lisboa
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Filippo Bonini Baraldi is Principal Researcher (CEEC_ind) at the Instituto de Etnomusicologia (INET-md) of NOVA University, Lisbon (Portugal), where he leads the research group “Ethnomusicology and Popular Music Studies” and integrates the Direction. He is also associate member of the Centre de Recherche en Ethnomusicologie (Crem-LESC) of Université Paris Nanterre (France). His academic career developed through various geographic and scientific areas. He obtained a MSc degree in Electronic Engineering at Padova University (Italy) in 2001, completed a second MSc degree in Music Technology at the Institute of Research and Coordination Acoustic/Music (IRCAM, Paris) in 2003, and accomplished a Ph.D. in Ethnomusicology at Paris Nanterre University in 2010 with the jury's unanimously honors. He obtained a doctoral grant by the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS, 2003-06) and a post-doctoral fellowship by the Society of Ethnology of Nanterre (E. Fleichman, 2011). His doctoral research has been awarded the prestigious international Ph.D. thesis prize by the Quai Branly Museum (Paris, 2011). 

His book "Tsiganes, musique et empathie" has been published in 2013 by the distinguished Editions de la Fondation de la Maison des Sciences de l'Homme (Paris, France), and awarded in 2014 with a prize by Charles Cros Academy (France). Improved translations of the book have been published in Romanian (2017, The Romanian Institute for Research on National Minorities), English (2021, Oxford University Press) and Italian (accepted, Banbun/Centro Studi Don Nicola Jobbi). The book "Roma Music and Emotion" , (Oxford UP) has been awarded the ICTM book prize (honorable mention) and the William A. Douglas Prize in Europeanist Anthropology (Society for the Anthropology of Europe, a section of the American Anthropological Association). 

Filippo Bonini Baraldi has been lecturer and assistant professor of ethnomusicology at the Music Department of Paris VIII St. Denis University, where he created a course on the subject of Music and Emotion (2007-2014). He has been Invited Senior Professor (PVE CAPES fellow) at the Universidade Federal da Paraíba (Brazil, 2014-2015) and since 2015 he is invited professor at the Music Department of NOVA University, Lisbon. He has also been invited to give conferences and courses in many European Universities, including University College (London), University La Sapienza (Rome), Collège de France (Paris), Universidade Federal do Pernambuco (Brazil), Charles University (Prague), Middle East Technical University (Ankara, Turkey) and Ghent University (Belgium). 

His researches on music, emotion, and health, based on long term fieldworks in Romania, Italy, and Brazil, are strongly interdisciplinary and combine methods of ethnomusicology, music computing, and cognitive sciences. They have been published in books, book chapters (Routledge, Springer, Kimé, etc.) and high impact factor scientific journals (Music Perception, Journal of New Music Research, Ethnologie Française, Visual Anthropology Review, Cahiers d'Ethnomusicologie, etc.). He participated in the creation and the scientific coordination (2005-10) of the research network “Music, Cognition, Societies”, funded by the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), has been invited researcher in the project "Musical Entrainment in Music Performance (AHRC, UK, 2016-18) and Principal Investigator of the FCT funded project "HELP-MD: The Healing and Emotional Power of Music and Dance" (2018-22). 

Filippo Bonini Baraldi is also an active musician (violinist), and a filmmaker of music documentaries (Prize of the French Society of Ethnomusicology at the XXIV Festival “Jean Rouch”, Paris, 2005, for the film “Crying for the dead”).


Ciência Vitae | ORCID




Research Group: Ethmomusicology and Popular Music Studies (Coordinator)