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Integrated | Teacher
Escola Superior de Educação | Instituto Politécnico do Porto
Rua Dr. Roberto Frias, n.º 602
4200-465 Porto
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He began teaching activity in 1981. Musical education teacher in basic education has also served as coordinator of the Department of Expressions and was a member of the Pedagogical Council, in which he integrated the formation of the grouping of Schools Diogo Cão. Auxiliary Professor at the University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto-Douro - UTAD in the Curricular units of Musical Expression I and II of the Basic Education course, from 2007 to 2019. Doctorate in educational sciences at UTAD. Master in Instruments and Techniques of Rural Development support, in the specialty of Rural Development Animation, in UTAD. Has a Diploma in Advanced Studies, DEA, in Didactics of Musical Expression at the University of Vigo, which assigns research Sufficiency in Spain. Taught at the Instituto Piaget of Mirandela, in Degree and Masters of Music Instrument (2005-2011). Teaching in the school of education Jean Piaget – Northeast, degree in primary education/music education, courses of Instrumental Practice and Integrated Expressions (1997-1999). Founding partner and member of the Board of Grupo Recreativo e Cultural "A Voz do Campo", where in 1994, he founded the Tuna which he directed for 10 years. Founding partner and member of the Board of Association Circle of Musical Culture of Vila Real. Pedagogical Consultant for the Northern Orchestra (1999-2001). Advisor in Music and Dance in the Northern Regional Delegation of Culture (1994-1998). Advisor of the Câmara Municipal de Vila Real, where he was responsible for the creation and development of the project of the Conservatory of Music, (1999-2004). Executive Director of the Foundation Comendador Manuel Correia Botelho, and member of the Board of the Regional Conservatory of Music of Vila Real (2003-2012). External Evaluator for the field of musical education in the district of Vila Real (until 2018). Has published and recorded work, either in musical or literary form, where it stands out the composition of several works and collaborations on records, radio and television programs. He is a member of the Portuguese Society of Authors.