• Dança 3
The Permanent Seminars of the INET-md Dance Studies Research Group (GIED) are intended to be a forum where all its members (integrated and collaborators), as well as other researchers from the academic, cultural and artistic world, can present their work and discuss ongoing projects and research. The enormous challenges that await us are like a compliment to the insistence and persistence (some would say resilience) that any scientific research represents, with greater evidence in artistic areas, and one of the simple but representative reasons why the Permanent Seminars organized by the Dance Studies Research Group have salmon as their chromatic option, illustrating a continuum against the current, always moving forward in a resilient dynamic of strength and will.
2024-03-13 | 6 p.m. - 8 p.m. |  Zoom Room
Free access, in person and online:
Zoom Room
Meeting ID: 92097695613
Pass code: 001401
Dance and Inclusion
Silvia Wolff | UFSM
The researcher presents an account of her journey in dance and the transformations that took place after a stroke. She discusses her academic career from her doctorate to becoming a dance teacher in higher education, bringing together dance, disability, somatic education and creation.
Henrique Amoedo | Dançando com a Diferença
Henrique Amoedo will discuss his personal and professional career in the processes of participation of people with disabilities in Contemporary Dance. From the institutional sphere to participation in the regular programming of important theatres and dance festivals around the world, he will present - from his professional experience - a perspective on the historical evolution of (inclusive) dance to dance.


Blasons (c) José Caldeira 



Silvia Wolff | Doutora em Artes/UNICAMP/2010, Bacharel em Comunicação/PUCRS/2000 e Mestre em Artes/Dança/NYU/2005. Dançou profissionalmente junto a companhias como Berlin Opera Ballet, Pennsylvania Ballet e Rothlisberger Tanz Co., na Alemanha, Estados Unidos e Suíça, respectivamente. Desde um AVC, em 2007, se dedica à exploração das relações entre a dança e a reabilitação. Desenvolveu estudos nesta área em Baltimore, nos Estados Unidos e em Zurique, na Suíça.


Henrique Amoedo | With a degree in Physical Education and Sport (1994) and specialising in body awareness (1999), he began his work with the creation of Roda Viva Cia. de Dança (Natal - Brazil), in partnership with Edson Claro. He has a Master's degree in Artistic Performance - Dance from the Faculty of Human Motricity of the University of Lisbon. In his Master's dissertation (completed in 2002), he presented the concept of Inclusive Dance, which is still used in academic and artistic contexts in different countries.