CPIA Seminar | Paramorfologia dos motivos
The Permanent Seminar of INET-md's Creation, Performance and Artistic Research research group is a forum where all its members (integrated and collaborators), as well as other researchers from the academic, cultural and artistic world, can present their most current work and ongoing research.
23.02.2024 | 14:30pm | Room 21.2.20 | Departamento de Comunicação e Arte da Universidade de Aveiro
Lecture - "Paramorfologia dos motivos" | Alexandre Eisenberg, INET-md researcher
The study of the role of motifs in Western music is generally diffuse and precarious, even though many authors have addressed the subject since the 18th century. One of the least studied aspects of motifs is their paramorphological status, present in most Western repertoire. However, precisely this aspect determines much of the artistry of musical works, particularly in concert music, but also in popular music. Based on our perception and understanding of the paramorphology of motifs, we have developed some rules for a motive analysis that we feel most faithful to the composer's intentions and the performative realization of their works.

The event is free and open to all.