PERFORMATIVE WORKSHOP @evamariageni is an activity with women to creatively explore issues related to feminism and womanism in contemporary times! We will engage in dynamics that we consider as digifeminisms!
2024.02.09 | 2 p.m.-5 p.m. | FMH-UL, Esteiros Building (Lisbon) | Studio A
Free entrance.
Aline Bernardi & Ivani Santana | @evamariageni
Addressing contemporary issues of "being a woman," its boundaries, conflicts, and aspirations. Feminist narratives and their struggles in an still unequal world. The workshop is an invitation for participants to leave their marks on a long fabric created by various women from different places, which is later used in the performance The Stories of @evamariagenie.

Aline Bernardi | A transdisciplinary artist with a focus on studies in danced writings, practice-led research, body and stage arts, improvisation, and contact improvisation. A researcher and lecturer, she holds a Master's degree from the Graduate Program in Dance at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - PPGDan/UFRJ, funded by CAPES. She completed a postgraduate program in PCA (Bodily Preparation in Scenic Arts) at Faculdade Angel Vianna, and furthered her expertise in Performance through the F.I.A. program (Intensive Accompanied Training) at c.e.m. (centro em movimento), Lisbon [2015]. She earned her degree in Full Degree Teaching at Faculdade Angel Vianna and received technical training in Contemporary Dance at the Angel Vianna School [2008]. Aline is the author of the performance-book Decopulagem (2019), with a reissue planned by Ed. Caseira in 2024. She is also the author and organizer of the book Lab Corpo Palavra: ground for a practice of danced writings, published by Edições PPGDan/UFRJ, in co-edition with Ed. Circuito and the Sensory Notebooks Body Word Collection (2023). She is a researcher in the University Extension Group CLiPES - Body, Language, Politics, Education, and Subjectivity, linked to the Research Line in Culture and Knowledge of the Multi-institutional and Multidisciplinary Doctorate in Knowledge Diffusion (UFBA, IFBA, UNEB, UEFS, LNCC, and CIMANTEC). Aline is also affiliated with the Interdisciplinary Master's in Humanities at UNILAB, particularly in the Education, Politics, and Languages Research Line. She is the creator and proposer of Lab Corpo Palavra and the Artistic Director of the Celeiro Moebius label. Aline holds a certification in Hatha Yoga from Simplesmente Yoga / Marco Shultz and training in the Ivando Bertazzo Method. She is certified in CranioSacral Therapy Techniques by Upledger Brasil. Aline has served as a Substitute Dance Teacher at Colégio Pedro II - Realengo II Unit, and she founded NACE - Núcleo de Artes Cênicas, participating in the implementation of dance and theater in Basic and Technical Education at the institution [2018-2019]. Aline is the founder, curator, co-manager, and artist/teacher of Entre Serras - Artistic Residencies and Sustainability Policies [2015-2024]. She is a member of the OCO Collective, which worked on promoting, researching, and disseminating contact improvisation practice in the city of Rio de Janeiro (2012-2017). She has been involved in scenic performance since 2006 with independent works, projects, and partnerships; and she is currently a dancer in the project The Stories of @evamariageni, directed by Ivani Santana, with national and international circulation. Among the dance and/or theater groups and companies she has collaborated with are: Companhia Teatral do Movimento (Directed by Ana Kfouri - Rio de Janeiro/RJ), Teatro da Vertigem (Directed by Antônio Araújo - São Paulo/SP), Os Dois Cia de Dança (Directed by Giselda Fernandes - Rio de Janeiro/RJ), Cia de Dança Luisa Coser (Directed by Luisa Coser - Rio de Janeiro/RJ and São Paulo/SP), Grupo Off Sina (Directed by Richard Riguetti - Rio de Janeiro/RJ), Cia Xirê (Directed by Andrea Elias - Rio de Janeiro/RJ) | Site | Lattes | ORCID
Ivani Santana | Artist and transdisciplinary researcher dedicated to the field of dance with technological mediation through theoretical-practical investigation. Her conceptual framework is based on three main pillars: Dance Improvisation, Enactivist Theory and Digital Culture. She is a professor at the Department of Body Art and the Postgraduate Program in Dance (UFRJ), in addition to the PPG Performing Arts (UFBA). She has a master's degree (2000) and doctorate (2003) in Communication and Semiotics from PUC / SP. He did a Post-Doctorate at the Sonic Arts Research Center (United Kingdom, 2012/13) focusing on "Dramaturgy of the (Tele)Corpo Sonoro", Ivani received a CAPES Visiting Professorship (2018/2019) at Simon Fraser University for collaborative interdisciplinary research at the University of British Columbia. She pioneered telematic dance in Brazil through advanced academic telecommunications networks. Ivani is the founder and member of the Mulheres da Improvisação connection. She leads the Technological Poetics Research Group: “corpoaudiovisual”. Author of the books "Corpo Aberto: Cunningham, Dança e Novas Tecnologias" (2002), "Dança na Cultura Digital" (2006) and Livro de Dançar. Letters to compose and improvise. (2022). Since 2019 she has been dedicated to virtual reality projects.Currently, Ivani is in Paris/France to participate in the artistic residency CRUZAMENTOS, for which she presented the show "As historias de @evamariageni" | Lattes | ORCID