• Disco2
On February 20th, the project Digital Transformation in Conservatories and Music Academies in Portugal: Institutional Perspectives (TD_Mus), funded by INET-md, will hold its final event, which will take place online and is open to the entire community, subject to registration. The project is coordinated by Clarissa Foletto, a researcher at INET-md. It has the participation of Gilvano Dalagna and Inês Lamela, both researchers at INET-md, and Dora Queiroz.
February 20th | 06h30 pm - 8h30 pm | Room Zoom
Free access, upon registration, and held in an online format.
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This encounter, which will bring together representatives from the institutions participating in the national survey developed by the project and invited speakers, aims to reflect on the results obtained, while also looking to the future and the challenges surrounding digital transformation in specialized music education.
The online event will have two main parts. The first will be dedicated to the presentation of the results of the exploratory study conducted by the TD_Mus team.
Following that, a roundtable discussion will take place to discuss these results, with invited speakers: João Gonçalves (DGEstE - Director-General), Florbela Valente (DGEstE - Deputy Director-General), Carlos Pinto da Costa (EAE Department of AEEP and Association of Pedagogical Directors of EAE), Jorge António Oliveira de Faria (Director of the Calouste Gulbenkian Music Conservatory in Braga), and Diogo Gomes (Associate Professor at the University of Aveiro, Department of Electronics, Telecommunications, and Computer Science).
The TD_Mus project emerged as a response to a gap identified in specialized music education in Portugal, namely the lack of information on the practices adopted by conservatories and academies in the digital transformation process. The ultimate goal of the project is to develop an atlas mapping this process, based on the perspectives of the institutions themselves. Achieving this goal involves a multifaceted approach, which includes a literature review and the implementation of a national survey of conservatories and academies.


Participation in the event is free, but registration is mandatory. Register here.
6h30 pm - 6h35 pm
Opening | With the presence of Helena Marinho (Coordinator of INET-md / UA Branch)
6h35 pm - 7h00 pm
Presentation of the results of the TD_Mus project | Clarissa Foletto, Inês Lamela, and Gilvano Dalagna
7h00 pm - 08h20 pm
Roundtable discussion (confirmed guests):
João Gonçalves (DGEstE - Diretor-Geral) 
Florbela Valente (DGEstE - Subdirector-Geral)
Carlos Pinto da Costa (Departamento do EAE da AEEP e Associação de Diretores Pedagógicos do EAE)
Jorge António Oliveira de Faria (Director of the Conservatório de Música Calouste Gulbenkian de Braga) 
Diogo Gomes (Associate professor at Thr Universidade de Aveiro, Dep. Electrónica, Telecomunicações e Informática)
Moderator: Manuela Encarnação (Presidenr of the Associação Portuguesa de Educação Musical)
08h20 pm - 08h30 pm