• KovaM
Labeamus - Laboratório de Ensino e Aprendizagem de Músicas da Universidade de Aveiro (UA), INET-md, is organising, in partnership with Erasmus+, the seminar "Falando sobre: Inmersión, exploración de métodos y proyectos de investigación centrados en el patrimonio musical regional valenciano". The event takes place on 19th April at 3pm in multimedia room at the Departamento de Comunicação e Arte da Universidade de Aveiro.


This seminar explores the recovery of Valencia's musical heritage, from the Crown of Aragon to modern times. Many musical repertoires have been lost over time, which has led to recovery and interpretation efforts on the part of higher music conservatories. However, effective transfer to wider educational levels is difficult without suitable teaching materials. This seminar evaluates Valencian musical heritage in educational establishments, emphasizing curricular content. The results reveal a vibrant presence in conservatoires but emphasize the lack of emphasis on teaching, publication, and visibility. The presentation emphasizes the historical context, intervention criteria, adaptability, intangible heritage, and the integral role of education in cultural preservation.
A dinamizar o seminário está Ana María Botella, professora na Facultat de Magisteri - Universitat de València e Guillem Escorihuela Carbonell, professor na Facultat de Magisteri - Universitat de València.
Ana María Botella | Professor in the Department of Didactics of Physical, Artistic, and Musical Education at the Faculty of Education of the University of Valencia. She has a degree in Geography and History (specializing in Musicology) and in Teaching (specializing in Music Education) from the University of Oviedo, with professional training in Music (Piano) and an International Master's Degree in Music from the "Eduardo Martínez Torner" Higher Conservatory of Music in Oviedo. She has a PhD in Pedagogy from the University of Valencia, focusing on the music of the Moors and Christians of Alcoy. Career civil servant in secondary education since 2001, currently on leave. Regular reviewer for research journals and active member of scientific committees. He works with the IEDUCARTS research group, which focuses on interdisciplinary work in the classroom, particularly in artistic disciplines such as cinema, animation, and opera. He has participated as a guest lecturer in the Opera Oberta project "El Liceo en la Universidad" since the 2008/2009 season. His research interests include the didactics of music listening, ICT and music education, and educational innovation through interdisciplinarity and opera. She is currently leading the emerging R+D+i project The Soundscape, listening, creation and Recreation, funded by the Generalitat Valenciana. Director of the iMUSED research group since 2020, she explores various aspects of music education. Extensive publication record with more than 100 articles in scientific journals and numerous contributions to conferences. Successfully supervised doctoral theses and final master's projects. Dedicated to the continuous improvement of teaching methodologies and techniques with a strong commitment to education.
Guillem Escorihuela Carbonell | He holds a doctorate in music education from the University of Valencia (2017), as well as a master's degree in specific teaching (2014) and a secondary school teacher (2011) from the same university. He also has a Masters in Music Performance from the International University of Andalusia (2013) and a degree in Music from the Joaquín Rodrigo Conservatory in Valencia (2010). He is currently an Assistant Professor at the University of Valencia, dedicated to research in music education. He is involved in the iMUSED research group, exploring topics such as performance analysis, musical instrument education, and audience studies. As a performer, he has been involved in various orchestras and ensembles, recording music for different purposes. He is also Academic Director of the Music Room at the University of Valencia and a member of the Valencian Academy of Music
More information is available on the Laboratory's social media.