Call for Proposals | International Meeting on the City, Body and Sound

15-20.03.2022 | Lisbon | Convent of São Pedro de Alcântara
This International Meeting on "the City, Body and Sound" - JOURNEYS > PATHWAYS < PERFORMANCES - is the culmination of two years of consistent and consolidated research within the TEPe (Technologically Expanded Performance) project. Throughout these two years, we have developed activities with the community to promote intercultural and transdisciplinary dialogue and provide an encounter with varied urban experiences. Through the different proposals of walks through the city, we have mapped events, today invisible, but still present: from "buried memories" to "sensorial walks", passing through intimate records of confinement.
Listening to the city: All cities have sounds and each city has different sound profiles. What are the levels of harmony and noise and what are the criteria for distinguishing between them? Where is silence in cities?
Urban maps: From playful walks to demonstrations and protest "marches", from celebratory parades to exploratory wanderings. Systems of (re)mapping and recognition of spaces. Walking close to "being lost".
Body and urban network: Histories and processes of inscription of urban networks in the bodies of their inhabitants and vice-versa. From Fritz Lang's Metropolis to Fourier's "phalanstery", passing through performances in public spaces.
The sensitive layers of the city: From the people's micro-stories to the hidden sensorial experiences (the city's smells, the available tastes, the textures, the colours, the light and the glows, etc.).
Performing the city: From the construction of models to urban art interventions. Dancing (in) the city. City protagonists and antagonists. Public equipment for training and physical exercise.
Citizenship and climate change: From the history of citizenship to contemporary challenges. To what extent is it urgent to revise the social contract in order to introduce citizenship that is not limited to human rights, capable of reconciling cities with the planet? The proposals submitted must contribute to a deeper understanding of the city as a multidimensional fabric that affects us and allows itself to be affected. Thus, the proposals will be valued if they explicitly propose a positive change of experience in the city, specifying the level at which this change takes place and what it involves.
Formatos de participação
Public performances
Communication Panels
Video-Poster sessions
Deadline: 20.10.2021
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